astazi sunt doar o floare
far de mirospini gramada mare
in gradina inimii tale
nu-mi dai pace in zori
sinima-ti intep fiori
roua-ti, fiecare sentiment
doar un strop, frumos colorat
visand la primavara
pe-ale mele petale, tipa
plange al tau glas
cu fiecare pas
astazi sunt doar o floare,
roua-ti, jelind.
lasa greseala sa-ti dea contur, gust si culoare pentru ca in felul asta acel iz nesimtit trezeste in tine un stil aparte. doar pentru ca lasi arta sa fie arta, sa.. urmaresti toata viata perfectul invizibil cu ochiul liber..e doar o mare pierdere de timp, retine aspectul dintre culoare si pixelul chinuit de radiera mintii tale, pentru ca altfel moare.
cand inca mai auzi ultimul ceas tic-tac tic-tac tic-tac sa strangi in palma visul cel mai dulce sa-i dai culoare chiar din prima lui secunda.. sa simti acolo ...jos, acolo.. sus, prin tine, privirea lor umeda umbra, trezindu-te ca o tornada, lafel de dulce tremurand toata.
dimineata nu vine si nici nu pleaca, dimineata e un loop infinit pierdut in timp cu si fara spatiu, fiecare bucata de culoare din tabloul vietii tale se pierde cu ficare dimineata care vine... care...poate nu vine, si totusi esti acolo, in timp cu sau fara spatiu, plangi deci existi, azi... sau poate maine, nu. fericirea e doar o perdea, o masca incolora dupa care nu te poti ascunde cand totul in jurul tau este roz, poate fi sau nu bine, cand tot si nimic conteaza, azi.. sau poate maine, trist e ca singuratatea bate la orice poarta, orice usa sparta cade ca un sarut in miez de cruda iarna, topeste tot in calea lui, topeste sentimente la secunda, secunda ta iubita e chiar acolo, si zburda prin tine fara pic de rusine, viseaza la ziua de maine sa vina dimineata din nou, cu un pic din mine prin tine, in acelasi tablou.
If one can shine inside your heart, many can feel weak with such a priviledge.
Tocmai am ascultat noul album "Eu nu pot sa scriu un final fericit" al celor de la Stele Verzi, Oza si Rebel Monk, vreau sa spun ca suna bine.. nu bine, super bine! chiar senzational cum spunea cineva :)
Pentru mai multe detalii si download vizitati site-ul oficial
Eu nu pot sa scriu un final fericit
Daca chiar ti a placut albumul trimite ecoul mai departe catre alte urechi ciulite pentru muzica buna!
Yet another movie about streaming torture live online, to me it seems retarded... in fact even that's too low, there should be invented an word exactly for this or to describe it atleast. If they could record the Holocaust and stream it live or even make a detailed movie with it someone will get very VERY VERY very rich in a matter of days, WHY? because people are RETARDED, ANIMALS... just ANIMALS and yet you hear them crying about compassion and symphaty, that's so... SO pathetic. WE ARE JUST ANIMALS CLOTHED NICELY... a nice envelope with a bad product in it, and that is the majority. At first there were those funny accidents movies, then the erotic ones came and so on to more extreme, if you could have access to see what words are used to be searched on search engines you will be amazed... really.. just mindblowing!
It seems we are going back in time, all this seem to be DEevolution, we are going back way beyond time, way back then cannibalism and all that...
Torturing and killing online are not new, it's just growing and growing more and more day by day... untill one day when you'll eventually see someone carring a camera on their shoulders and someone else with a machinegun walking around the main streets killing people, that would be as real as it can get, but that's just a SMALL piece an SIMPLE example...
How can you believe that any of these were created by a God? HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THERE IS STILL A GOD SOMEWHERE WATCHING?
In my opinion there is noone watching, it's just another ANIMAL behind a monitor or some TV, HAVING FUN if not even PAYING ALOT OF CASH just to have THAT PRIVILEDGE.
One day these ANIMALS will start throwing bombs at eachother just to be able to WATCH IT in datails after.
But hey i'm just the minority, the majority is HAVING FUN right now somewhere in this FUCKING JUNGLE!
Brutality, Animality, Extreme Fatality or just ANOTHER part of REALITY.
Daca tot am gasit un articol despre No Doubt la ForsakenOrder mi-am adus aminte de melodia mea preferata :D
I'm more shocked then... wtf! I don't even know what to say... I'm not a woman nor I had any baby whatsoever but from what I've heard, having a baby ain't so easy like cuting yourself while making something to eat is it? how the fuck?!?!? would you give birth WITHOUT KNOWNING and then FLUSH THE BABY!?!?!?!?!
OUPS! Was that the baby's foot? yay! I barely could see it!
HOW RETARDED IS THAT? This could easily be the LAMEST excuse EVER.
Claire Jones said:
"I wish I had done something more, but I just panicked - I miss him every day"
You could go to the hospital! that's for sure, this ain't 1900 it's freakin' 2008 almost 2009 ffs.
click here for the full story
Weh i was sooo bored but that kinda stopped after i found this song on Beck's blog :P tytyty changed my mood instantly like this!
Mda, stateam azi si imi reciteam cateva poezii mai vechi, vroiam sa vad defapt care ar fi diferenta dintre cele editate si needitate, abia acum mi-am dat seama ca nu se asemanau deloc, adica intr-un fel sunt cam aceleasi cuvinte dar nu aduc acelasi mesaj, multe din cuvintele care ar trebui sa ascunda anumite chestii printre randuri defapt aduc cuvantul in sine si duce in final la lipsa misterului :| chiar daca poeziile needitate pentru multi nu aveau sens sau un simplu inteles, tocmai dupa ce am citit ceva scris de Bukowski mi-am dat seama ca defapt aveam dreptate de la bun inceput si defapt a fost o greseala sa modific acele poezii :| pentru ca dupa ce modificam acel text in final erau 2a poezii total diferite si nu putine au fost cazurile cand ramaneam confuz, nestiind pe care sa le aleg drept bune sau rele.
si Bukowski spunea cam asa...
if it doesn't come bursting out of you
in spite of everything,
don't do it.
unless it comes unasked out of your
heart and your mind and your mouth
and your gut,
don't do it.
if you have to sit for hours
staring at your computer screen
or hunched over your
searching for words,
don't do it.
if you're doing it for money or
don't do it.
if you're doing it because you want
women in your bed,
don't do it.
if you have to sit there and
rewrite it again and again,
don't do it.
if it's hard work just thinking about doing it,
don't do it.
if you're trying to write like somebody
forget about it.
if you have to wait for it to roar out of
then wait patiently.
if it never does roar out of you,
do something else.
if you first have to read it to your wife
or your girlfriend or your boyfriend
or your parents or to anybody at all,
you're not ready.
don't be like so many writers,
don't be like so many thousands of
people who call themselves writers,
don't be dull and boring and
pretentious, don't be consumed with self-
the libraries of the world have
yawned themselves to
over your kind.
don't add to that.
don't do it.
unless it comes out of
your soul like a rocket,
unless being still would
drive you to madness or
suicide or murder,
don't do it.
unless the sun inside you is
burning your gut,
don't do it.
when it is truly time,
and if you have been chosen,
it will do it by
itself and it will keep on doing it
until you die or it dies in you.
there is no other way.
and there never was.
Minciuna, ce e defapt? ce reprezinta? cat de dureroase pot fi gaurile produse? multe din raspunsuri le avem cu totii, dar sunt multe altele care inca ne macina de la prima minciuna, din prima secunda cand te simti inselat, dupa prima secunda te simti gol, atat de gol incat aproape ca-ti vezi fundul dar e numai o iluzie, oricat de mult ai incerca sa atingi abisul... totul e in zadar pentru ca oricum ar fi, minciuna duce la infinit, incepe prin ceva involuntar (de multe ori) drept scuza ce ar trebui sa acopere scopul dar nu si mijloacele, dar care daca nu este stopata la timp, daca nu pui degetul pe rana sa-i simti gustul la timp, sa-ti gusti amarul asa cum e, nu faci decat sa-ti traiesti viata... care defapt si aia e o minciuna, intr-o alta minciuna, e ca si cum ai pune o cutie mai mica intr-o cutie mai mare si asa la infinit si ajungi intr-o buna zi sa-ti masori fiecare pas, fiecare gand, fiecare lucru neinteles cu mare dispret, oare sa fie? oare sa nu fie? adevar sau doar o alta munciuna...? o alta intrebare cu raspuns diferit de la persoana la persoana dupa caz normal.
Dar ce ar fi minciuna? o fi altceva decat o suma de cuvinte nespuse, o suma de cuvinte ascunse, atat de ascutite astfel incat iti poate taia chiar si raspiratia, iti fura si ultima suflare, te lasa pe undele mirarii ceva timp dupa care te arunca in valurile inspumate al nedumeririi, te arunca intr-o vale cetoasa unde abia vezi din cuvant in cuvant si totusi nu-ntelegi aproape si mai ales nimic, atat si numai doar incat sa-ti pui o alta intrebare, si fugi din intrebare in intrebare fara raspuns, ca la un concurs de alergare, si totusi crezand ca esti in fata toturor, chiar daca totusi tu esti acolo unde doar tu poti vedea, acolo in lumea semnelor de intrebare in gandul tau ce-ti bate mereu cuie fara voie cu fiecare cuvant nespus o alta intrebare mocneste-n tine cu un jaratec urat mirositor, si doare, doare atat de mult incat ai vrea sa-l stingi numaidecat, sa-l stingi sa poti simti ceva din nou, si nici pic de roua si nici pic de geata nu-ti poate reinvia cuvintele-ti din urma, cuvantul ce-l de pret pe care totusi chiar daca doar, ai vrea sa-l afli, sa-l stii, sa-l simti macar ODATA, atat! si-apoi cand alfi defapt nu vrei decat sa uiti, sa-l uiti, sa-ncepi sa simti din nou ceea ce defapt era odata, o suma de cuvinte care-ti alintau Eul atat de bine incat vroiai s-auzi mereu din nou si iar lafel s-auzi exact cuvantul magic ce-ti musca din inima cu spor acum, acum in prag de disperare nu vrei decat un pic... un pic de adevar, sa poti trai din nou o viata, sa-ti pierzi din nou constiinta pe baza aceluiasi cuvant, defapt minciuna. Si totusi nu-i scurta viata in care cauti, si cauti acel cuvant, care azi te mangaie si fara doar si poate maine te zgaraie direct in suflet, si-ti place, azi, si-l urasti maine.
Acelasi scump, azi! Cuvant.
Te Iubesc
...spus doar in Vant,
...o alta constiinta ce sta sa cada in Neant.
Instant, constant... nelimitat de fapte
si mai ales in Gand, si totusi Doare!
Te ascunzi de orice fir de realitate, orice val de tristete te doboara pentru ca in loc sa faci un pas inainte tu faci 2 inapoi cu fiecare ezitare si cand ai sa vrei! sa iesi din lumea ta o sa doara atat de mult inca ai sa-ti doresti sa traiesti toata viata in lumea ta cu fanteziile tale numai sa scapi de realitatea asta cruda care defapt te ajuta! sa poti merge mai departe pentru ca asa te inveti cu durerea.
Asta inseamna defapt sa bati viata cu aceeasi moneda, pe care tu acum o imprumuti altora, altii se distreaza pe baza ta, iti traiesc viata, iti fura din zilele pe care tu ar trebui sa le traiesti pentru ca te-ai nascut cu dreptul asta dar vezi tu, odata ce mergi cu spatele precum racul ei au suprematia iar tu esti doar un sclav al imaginatiei in lumea ta acolo unde-ti traiesti veacul hranindu-te cu fantezii...
Dar pana cand? stii cum e... daca nu uzi floarea la timp moare.. asa o sa patesti si tu, ai sa-ti usuci incet vis dupa vis pana intr-o zi cand ai sa te intrebi dece oare mai existi pe lumea asta daca nu esti de folos nimanui.
eu vorbeam de alta mancare de peste timp in care tu dadeai cu undita-n ciment crezand ca ti-a inghetat copca-n mijlocul strazii cu acul bine-nfipt in nasul tau de prost ce esti.
un pixel mai aproape in acelasi tablou al amintirilor frumoase
when love meets guilt, your body shivers like a hurricane
i can't sleep at night
staring at the phone
knowing you are not alone
i'm trying just to hide
all the things i feel inside
i can sense the chemistry
when you're standing close to me
it's getting harder to ignore
it's not like anything before
i know it's crazy, but I want more
i wish i could be close to you
and feel your every move
never meant to feel this way
naybe you would come around one day
i'm the one to blame
trying to explain
why I would cause myself such pain
your heart is occupied
i tried to turn the tide
but time was never on my side
love me!
love me please, not!
today i lust
tomorrow why not, my sorrow!
while dreaming of you,
in my plain text, shining!
too bad I lost you with a bet
on life itself, just breathing!
the sharp ending of what i say will brake you
this spear of words unsaid will hurt you
my feelings just for you, the lonely self
here I am, taking my heart out
just to show you love and sympathy, why not!
tearing me apart, you're braking me, slowly!
into pieces like glass and dust, you won!
surely I do deserve, all that!
and here I am, one lonely fifty fifty part
nonsense and the rest of that nasty crap
stop pointing that finger
stop saying it's all my fault!
because it ain't, it never was, like that!
just a lonely fifty fifty part
bleeding foolishly, this is my heart!
love me please, not!
“Cu acest articol particip la concursul organizat de eMAG cu ocazia lansarii in Romania a gamei de laptopuri HP Pavilion pe 30 octombrie 2008. Concursul este jurizat de Victor Kapra si de reprezentantii eMAG.”
Uhuh, acum 13 Ani... aveam treisprezece ani :)
Pana pe la sfarsitul lui '95 eram un gamer inrait,rupeam noptile cu Agent 007, Mortal Kombat, Super Mario si multe alte jocuri pe N64/Playstation, ca de obicei reuseam sa-l pacalesc pe tata sa inchiriem in fiecare weekend o consola si cateva jocuri, tin minte ca erau aia de la sala super bucurosi ca le duceam memory cardurile pline cu salvari noi si de multe ori chiar imi dadeau 1/2 dischete gratis tot pe baza asta :))
Pe la sfarsitul lui '95 un coleg de clasa mi-a deschis ochii spre lumea calculatoarelor si-mi povestea ca jocurile pe calculator sunt de 234343 de ori mai misto, nu a trecut mult timp si deja eram la icafe nonstop, nici de scoala nu-mi mai ardea la cata distractie era in icafe, imi aduc aminte.. odata am chiulit toti baietii din clasa si ne-am dus in icafe sa facem war cu alt clan din GL la Quake2, dupa vreo 2a ore vine diriginta la icafe dupa noi ca ne-au dat fetele de gol, si ce urecheala ne-am luat de tin minte si acum, cum imi tzauiau urechile de nici pe profa de ne preda nu o mai auzeam bine, oricum a fost super viata.
In ian sau feb '96 aveam job la icafe cu juma de norma, defapt eu ma duceam mai mult petru ca puteam sa ma joc fara sa mai platesc, doar ce ii mai ajutam pe altii din cand in cand sa intre in jocuri si le aratam cam ce au de facut dar in rest era distactie la maxim!:D ajusesem sa mergem din icafe in icafe sa facem meciuri pe bani cu alte clanuri, dar asta dupa ce am terminat generala. Am tot muncit la icafeuri vreo 10-11 ani buni, 10 ani de nopti pierdute x 32423432 pachete de tigari x 23423432 nessuri si cafele... but that's just another story :)
Ce o fi aia de-ti musca buzele, de-ti sterge praful uscat de pe varful degetelor cand le umezesti cu nerabdare ca la 100 metri garduri sa fii acolo! sa fii pe urmatoarea pagina din scoarta-n scoarta! iti tremura ochii, ii inviori cu un frecus repezit, o simti cum trece prin tine incat tremuri de placere, pagina cu pagina, fila in sine devine ecranul la care imaginatia ta izbitoare uita ca tu defapt citesti o carte si totusi ti se pare… se pare ca nu e nici Home Teather… nici plasma 360* si nici la Cinema nu esti, esti tot acolo, acolo unde timpul sa oprit in loc dupa prima pagina, pan’ la ultima de`ai avut curaj sa-i scalzi cuvantul pana la sfarsit cand scoarta aia rigida te-a amagit si-ai atipit, visand… esti uda! atat de uda incat te-ai trezi in vis sa te schimbi din hartie in ceva mai moale numai decat sa-ti adoarma sentimentele puse bine in miscare de acea carte pentru care defapt n-ai avut suma necesara sa o cumperi si pana ai venit cu restul de acasa inapoi la magazin, cartea… in sine era deja vanduta cand te-ai trezit erai tot uda, si totusi nu era decat
Imaginatia ta bogata, defapt doar Arta.
subiectul e irrelevant cand bati din gard in pom la om prin somn si totusi crezi? ca e defapt doar “ANTI ARTA”?
Din greseala, defapt cautam ceva pe google si am dat exact peste ce nu ma asteptam, al 2lea site facut de mine, primul a fost pe un hosting platit asa ca a disparut dar cel din urma inca mai exista tocmai pentru ca hostingul era gratis, oricum ar fi odata cu asta mi-am adus aminte de trecut si de "nebuniile" pe care le faceam pe timpul ala... believe me! you don't wanna know :)
Si daca tot vrb de internet, am fost la BloGL si chiar daca am zis ca o sa fiu pe acolo "doar in trecere" am mai stat, am barfit (<-lmao), am glumit si normal ne-am simtit bine, dar a fost o faza draguta cand Cristi imi propunea sa ma prezint... la care eu fiind in pana de idei sau doar aglomerat, am zis ceva de genul "Daca aveam un tricou cu Zoso pe mine poate lumea era mai interesata" :)) dar am zis asta doar pentru ca blogul meu e ceva mai "personal" si nu e bazat pe "unici" sau "faima in blogosfera" asa ca m-am rezumat la glume :) dar daca stau bine sa ma gandesc cand faceam eu freelancing si "bani p@ net" (printre altele) poate ca Zoso era inca in burtica la mamitu facandu-si planurile de viitor "MARE" blogger, sa nu mai zic cati sunt ca el dar sincer nu-mi pierd timpul sa-i listez pentru ca oricum nu merita nici macar atat.
Si scuza-ma pe timpurile alea nu se faceau "asa usor" banii pe net, si ca sa-ti dau o idee, un sfert din "proces" era virtual iar restu era doar fizic si real :) cu alte cuvinte vindeam ceva in realitate care defapt exista doar in virtual, mergand din icafe in icafe cu o gasca de nebuni (clanul XL)! A fost viata, si totul se baza pe distractie nu cum e in zilele noastre pe "FAIMA in Online" pentru ca sincer daca faceam macar 1% din "trecut" pe baza asta... de "faima" poate nici nu mai eram aici ci intre 4 pereti cu si mai ales inmates :) dar totusi nu regret nimic ba chiar le-as face din nou pe toate daca ar fi sa repet de la capat. Si daca tot mi-am adus aminte de XL, am sa pun un video in amintirea celui care a fost Azazel [XL]R.I.P bro!
Millennials are the largest generation in American history. Born between 1978 and 2000, WE are 95 million strong, compared to the 78 million Baby Boomers. WE are politically, socially, and philosophically independent, and are spearheading a period of sweeping change in America and around the world. The new book, Generation We, explains the emerging power of our Millennial Generation, and shows how WE (and older people who think the way WE do) are poised to change our nation and our world for the better.
Free eBook
This is so touching... even tho that's not the only place on the globe where these kind of ORG's are needed.
Will you join?
Generation WE
Mda m-am gandit sa redeschid blogul chiar daca nu am pic de chef sa scriu vreo ceva :X
Sunt in genul ala de stare cand nimic nu-ti convine, nimic nu-ti mai e pe plac, nimeni si nimic, totul si nimic!
Ba chiar te ia cu hai si anume sictir de la stomac, daca intelegi ce vreau sa spun sau nu, tot neinteresant, iti dai seama?:|
In timp ce "schitam" un nou design la blog, ca de obicei m-am lasat la mana mea si m-am apucat de alte prostii,
tot din plictiseala si tot din cauza acelei stari de lasa-ma sa te las sa ma lasi in pace, sau mai bine nu.
Si cum ziceam asta e rezultatul.. , acum parca mi-am pierdut timpul degeaba si as sterge tot numai incat
sa o iau de la capat ca sa am ceva de facut, si-as ucide plictiseala asta cu sange rece de! ca tot e frig afara :)
Dar daca tot e frig, sa ascultam o melodie calda :X
No me Ames! sAc!
Doua prietene virgine isi povesteau tot ce faceau .
Una dintre ele pleaca intr-o excursie si se intoarce ne-mai-virgina.
Cealalta o intreaba:
- Cum e? Povesteste-mi!
- Prima data este oribil, doare de nu-ti imaginezi; dar apoi e nemaipomenit!
Prietena sa, intrigata, intreaba:
- Cam cum doare? Ca durerea de cap, de stomac?
- Nuuuu!
- Atunci cum? Ca durerea de spate, de masea, de urechi?
- Da! E ca durerea de masea!
- De ce ca durerea de masea?
- Pentru ca te doare, dar nu vrei sa ti-o scoata!
Un barbat surprins la amanta de catre sot sare de la etajul XX.
In cadere se gindeste: "Nu puteam sa stau acasa cu nevasta... sa maninc un
gratar... sa beau un sprit.... si cine stie poate sa fac si sex."
Cade cu noroc pe o capitza de iarba proaspat cosita din spatiul verde al
blocului si imbracindu-si izmenele cugeta:
"Doamne cum e omul.... numai doua secunde am fost disperat si cate prostii
mi-au trecut prin cap..."
Un barbat ajunge acasa si isi gaseste sotia facandu-si bagajele.
- Ce faci, draga? Unde pleci?
- La Las Vegas! Am aflat ca acolo sunt barbati care m-ar plati cu 400$ ca
sa le fac ce tie iti fac pe gratis!
Omul sta putin pe ganduri, apoi incepe si el sa-si faca bagajele.
- Dar tu ce faci acolo? intreaba sotia.
- Merg si eu la Las Vegas... sunt curios sa vad cum te descurci cu 800$ pe an!
Nu beau, nu fumez, ma scol la 6 in fiecare zi, ma culc la ora 22, nu-mi
insel nevasta... ... dar si cand o sa ies din puscarie...
O doamna intra intr-o farmacie.
-Nu va suparati, aveti prezervative King size?
- Da' sigur, vreti sa cumparati?
- Nu, dar pot sa stau sa vad cine cumpara?
- Ce mai faci bã, Bula?
- Ce sã fac, trag limbi.
- Vai, nu stii cã nu-i sãnãtos?
- Pãi nu trag în piept.
Bill Gates ajunge in Paradis. Sfintul Petre ii spune:
- Bill, cu tine e intr-adevar greu de hotarit. Tu ai facut mari progrese tehnologice cu
Microsoft si tu ai creat Windows 95. Te las sa alegi intre paradis si iad.
Bill Gates ii raspunde:
- Pot sa vad inainte de a alege, iadul ?
Sfintul Petre ii arata atunci o lumea minunata cu plaje, femei frumoase, climat ideal,
mincare selecta. Bill ii spune:
- Deci asta este iadul ! Vreau sa vad si raiul.
Sfintul Petre ii arata un cimp de nori cu ingeri ce cinta la harpa. Bill ii raspunde:
- E bine in rai, dar eu prefer iadul!
2 saptamini mai tirziu, Sf. Petre face un tur prin iad ca sa vada ce mai face amicul
nostru Bill. Il gaseste legat de un zid, inconjurat de flacari si de draci.
- Sfinte Petre, il striga Bill, e teribil aici! Nu e iadul pe care l-am vizitat acuma citeva zile
Ce s-a intimplat cu plajele, femeile si mincarea?
- Oh, acela era doar un demo... , ii raspunde Sf. Petre. - Watch more free videos
You just wish that'll never happen to you :))
Pentru noi, restul -majoritatea anormală- respectul n-are de-a face cu iubirea. Din contră, e chiar un turn off, diminuează considerabil şansele de a avea o relaţie ratată.
Asta vine de la Puttycat si e o perla de toata frumusetea, prea putin conteaza cat la suta e sarcasm.
Nu-i de mirare de ce atatea Femei sunt distruse pe viata, abuzate in toate felurile, tratate drept jucarii sexuale, ba chiar multe ajung sa traiasca precum sclavii, fara nici un rost sau pret.
Cand iesi pe strada aproape dezbracata sa nu te miri de ce esti violata.
Sa nu te miri ca esti catalogata drept curva cand tu defapt te imbraci si te comporti ca o curva.

Cand toate astea iti sunt pe plac, E DOAR VINA TA!
Cel mai interesant documentar vazut vreodata despre economia globala si din cate am observat Romania se regaseste printre sclavii enumerati... au vandut aproape tot ca sa plateasca imprumuturile externe.. ce a mai ramas.. pamantul in sine? sunt multe de invatat din acest documentar daca ai rabdarea necesara... enjoy.
Abstract? Women? OK, ok don't be SO shocked nor surprised that's 100% right and just another fact about Women. It takes alot of time, and when I say A lot, A LOT is exactly what I mean, a lifetime to get to know a woman, I doubt anyone has that much time to know everything about women, to get to know a woman is more like an art, for a guy is merely impossible to understand a women, that's why most if not all the times girls have girls as best friends.
To me (at least) the difference between Men and Women is like Human and Computer, there is so much information that you'll never have enough space to store it, and of course to be able to know that much stuff and write about it -you'll have to be a Woman, which I'm not but I'll try anyway :)
In a way or another we always "do" something wrong and that's because we don't know that much about them or what we "think" we do know it's actually wrong or we see it just differently so we use it as it is and not by what it means, why I'm saying this? well let's take affection for example, when we hear that Women need affection... we think about ? SEX! yep! that's the most common answer, well one thing is for sure, we never ask what is what nor what it means and surely not everyone will give the same answer, because of course we arent all the same nor all of us want the same things. Then again if you take attention, some will say "Hi, how was your day?" and poof there goes the whole attention thing, problem solved moving on, let's watch some football :)
What most of us don't understand is that Women in general look at and for details, those small stuff you do without even thinking about 'em, of course asking her stuff and all that it's a good thing but if that's it.. there is a lack of communication, and that's what we hate most, a Woman talking it's like watching a good movie in another language which basicly we don't like plus we don't understand so all we can do is say "aha" "ooo" "really?" "Damn" "What a Bitch!" and so on and when it's over you just ask "can we go to bed now?" and there it goes the whole "movie" aka conversation :)
While we think that the "big and shining things" impresses them most of the times it's not really like that, the smallest stuff are more important if are used often, otherwise one big thing in.... months, uhuh i doubt that'll do it.
So we get to do all that small stuff, those details thinking OK that has to be it, I'll do that from now on and i won't hear her whine about anything, wrong! that's not enough :)
To be able to keep Women happy you'll have to have an infinite imagination because they are so complex... you can't even name all the stuff they one point they like this, two seconds later they want something else... if it was white they want it red and so on, and all the times that just makes you go crazy.
Men will always be just tools for Women, no matter how much you know about them and no matter how much you try, you'll end up eating your brain on a plate because of them and I'm happy that this thing is vice versa :) at least that makes us even at some point in life :D
Just remember if a flower doesn't make her blossom nor shine, try a hug that might last longer :)
In case you fail to see, this is my heart
This foolish piece of me, just stone
Won't stop thinking about you, tomorrow
I heart you in the morning, over some coffe
Every day i heart you, and you're breaking
So many pieces, lost with the wind
I heart you, i hurt you, i heart you again
So there you go, missing that sparkle
Missing today, tomorrow, still missing
In case you fail to see, this is my heart
With you and many other pieces
I heart you today, i hurt you tomorrow
In case you fail to see, this is me
I can't be there, even if i want
I can't be who you want me to be, simple as that.
Even tho i heart you, forever missing.
Retine doar ca atunci cand nici o rotita din ceasul tau nu mai merge, sa-ti abati gandurile rele cu amintirile frumoase dintr-o viata anterioara chiar daca in prezent nu te mai reprezinta.
I'm so irrelevant that I cannot see the difference between self today and the selfish tomorrow.
Every time I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, and just have eachother sleep in one another's arms you're not here, so now you can feel the differ.
Somewhere in time we wish too much, we want too much, we take everything as granted when in fact we never do anything to deserve something at all.
I strive to think I'm not yet in the position to judge either I found it/em nor how many times felt that, but I for one think i am feeling that such thing called joy every time I am beside the one thing I miss having beside me.
Kill me today because I'm sad and let me reborn the happiest yesterday thinking it will never end.
Yourself: daydreamer
Your Spouse: boobilicious
Your Hair: brown
Your Mother: irrlevant
Your Father: missing
Your Favorite Item: microsoft t-shirt
Your Dream Last Night: one eyed snake
Your Favorite Drink: Redbull
Your Dream Car: R8
The Room You Are In: bedroom
Your Ex: unlovable
Your Fear: loneliness
What Do You Want To Be In Ten Years: dead
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: ex
What Your Not: liar
Muffins: noty
One of Your Wish List (Items): Alienware Area-51 m15x
Time: cross
The Last Thing You Did: think
What You Are Wearing: sportswear
Your Favorite Weather: hot
Your Favorite Book: Enigma
The Last Thing You Ate: dreams
Your Life: blank
Your Mood: blank
Your Best Friend: ex
What Your Thinking About Right Now: blank
Your Car: none
What You Are Doing At The Moment: writing an answer
Your Summer: shorty
Your Relationship Status: blank
What Is On Your TV: blue screen of death
What Is The Weather Like: fine to sleep
When Was The Last Time You Laughed: i can't remember
De la Liz , acum e randu celor din blogrollul meu :)
Un Biker pedala de zor pe coasta Californiei, cand cerul se intuneca subit si auzi o voce bubuitoare : "Deoarece ai INCERCAT sa-mi fi credincios in toate cele, iti voi acorda o dorinta, caci eu sunt Dumnezeul tau!" Se opreste bikerul si spune : "Fa-mi un pod pana in Hawaii ca sa pot merge acolo cu bicicleta cand am chef." Dumnezeu: "Se poate face, dar nu pot justifica dorintele tale lumesti, mai bine gandeste-te putin si cere-mi ceva care sa-mi aduca si mie glorie eterna, si tie satisfactie spirituala!" Se gandeste bikerul indelung si intr-un sfarsit spune: "Doamne, as vrea sa inteleg femeile. Vreau sa stiu cum sa fac o femeie cu adevarat fericita.".. .Dupa o tacere indelungata, Dumnezeu raspunde: " Vrei podul cu 2 sau cu 4 benzi." =))))
Yeppers, today i just realised that Google Chrome it's way better then Firefox for me! why ? well check this out... and see for yourself.
With the same amount of tabs open, and exactly the same websites, Google Chrome uses 10% while Firefox uses 40% resources, well atleast for me Firefox will no long work, Welcome Download Google Chrome!
If anyone wanna check it out, here is the download link.
Google Chrome
Am gasit la altcineva pe blog chestiuta asta de mai jos (img) si am zis sa particip si eu la acest asa zis concurs!
Cei interesati folositi linkul de mai jos!
Concurs PCNews - SuperBlog
Success tuturor!
love me!
love me please, not!
today i lust
tomorrow why not, my sorrow!
while dreaming of you,
in my plain text, shining!
too bad I lost you with a bet
on life itself, just breathing!
the sharp ending of what i say will brake you
this spear of words unsaid will hurt you
my feelings just for you, the lonely self
here I am, taking my heart out
just to show you love and sympathy, why not!
tearing me apart, you're braking me, slowly!
into pieces like glass and dust, you won!
surely I do deserve, all that!
and here I am, the lonely part of fifty fifty
nonsense and the rest of that nasty crap
stop pointing that finger
stop saying it's all my fault!
because it ain't, it never was, like that!
just a lonely fifty fifty part
bleeding foolishly, this is my heart, ...not!
love me!
a thousand years.
love me please! not.
a thousand miles of shaderred memories
a thousand miles of broken hearts
a thousand miles of sweet tears
a thousand chances for you and me
a thousand people like you, not.
a thousand years never seem too much, besides you.
a thousand years to feel your love again,
I'll wait for sure, I'll eat the pain, why not!
...painting you a thousand years in my heart!
love me please... not!
I know it's kinda late, but IMO it's never too late to say something about someone like Bernie Mac, because anyway you'll watch his performances over and over again and they will be funny every single time you'll be watchin them, IMO this dude never had to try that hard to be funny, only by hearing his voice you'll be laughing your $SS off 'till you start crying, for joy of course cuz everything he ever said was hilarious but funny, the best thing i like of all his career (or atleast those I've seen) was that "I ain't scared of you muthafuckas!" i'm tellin ya i watched that shlt for 30 times over and over again and it was funny every single time 'till my eyeballs were almost poppin outta my head!
He will always be Remembered
And here are some funny stuff
Comedy Kings @ Big Mac funeral
His first and best appearence @ Def Comedy Jam
ti-as fuma un gand de bine
dar vad ca tot ma ocolesti
nu vrei sa ma privesti prea des
perfid nu-ti mustra coinstiinta
aleatoriu de fiecare data
cand imi observi abstractul interes
in lucruri simple fara de sens
ce ma atrag la infinit
si-n timp ce-ti dau de stire
ca-ti iubesc amintirea nostim de mult
ma pierd in samburele asta cult
de labirint ce-mi scartaie mereu
usa spre blogul tau
mi-e dor de amintirea ta
mereu cand iti pasesc gandirea
in ochiul mintii prin context.
ti-as fuma un gand de bine
in amintirea ta, si pentru tine
am sa-ncerc sa ma descalt de la intrare
de sentimentele ce-mi uda din reflex
gandirea asta lafel de absurda
defapt nu cred ca pot sa mai gandesc
cand te privesc de fiecare data
in ochiul mintii prin context.
Si asta doar pentru ca-ti iubesc nostim de mult amintirea din trecut,
si ma atrage la infinit, dandu-mi de stire ca tu existi acolo-n labirint
Pentru tine, draga amintire Lost Lady.
The shadow of my toughs
Came back in my dreams, last night
And I wasn't Keanu Reeves
We fought for life and death
And only one could win
And then I started screaming
Until one was left standing
And then I woke up in the middle of some war
With the shadows of my toughs
Like in the second part of Déjà vu
Until Eight AM, last night
I won by chess mate, in the final round
When my shadows were pretty exhausted
That bastard Sun was shining on my side again
I taught I'll win this but i was wrong
I think'ed twice and I lost it all
When you pinched me saying it's alright
It's just a dream, it's just a nightmare
You're fighting with the shadow of your toughs
Like I've said before I have nothing against them, these are just funny stuff i find over the Internet, and that's about it.
So today picks are "Dumb Laws from Around the U.S" by CybernetNews
* You cannot chain your alligator to a fire hydrant
* You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time
* It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane
* While it is legal to shoot bears, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited
* Hunting camels is prohibited
* Donkeys cannot sleep in bathtubs
* It’s illegal to mispronounce the name of the state of Arkansas in the state
* Flirtation between the members of the opposite sex on the streets of Little Rock may results in a 30-day jail term
* One may not carry a lunch down the street between 11 and 1 o’clock
* You may not bathe two babies in the same tub at the same time
* It is illegal to mistreat rats in Denver
* It is illegal for a woman wearing a red dress to be out on the streets after 7 PM
* It is illegal to dispose of used razor blades
* You may not educate dogs
* It is illegal to get married on a dare
* It is illegal to fly over any body of water unless one is carrying sufficient supplies of food and drink
* It’s a crime to give false weather reports
* It is unlawful for small boys to throw stones, at any time, at any place in the District of Columbia
* You may not fart in a public place after 6 PM on Thursdays
* Failure to tell your neighbor that is house is on fire is illegal
* It is illegal to change the clothes on a storefront mannequin unless the shades are down
* You have the right to commit simple battery if provoked by “fighting” words
* Within the limits of any public park, it is unlawful to annoy any bird
* All residents may be fined as a result of not owning a boat
* The town of Idaho Falls, Idaho forbids anyone over the age of eighty-eight to ride a motorcycle
* Riding a merry-go-round on Sundays is considered a crime
* It is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animals kept as pets
* Spitting is forbidden
* Men are prohibited from standing in a bar
* It is illegal to sell cars on Sunday
* One-armed piano players must perform for free
* A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public
* It is illegal to hunt whales
* It is illegal to put ice cream on cherry pies
* It is illegal to marry the same man more than 3 times
* It is illegal to fish with a bow and arrow
* It is illegal to gargle in public places
* Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked
* After January 14th you will be charged a fine for having your Christmas decorations still up
* You may not step out of a plane in flight
* In Baltimore, it is illegal to mistreat oysters
* You may not curse inside the city limits
* Alcohol drink specials are illegal
* All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday
* A Michigan law states that a wife’s hair legally belongs to her husband
* Smoking while in bed is illegal
* All men driving motorcycles must wear a shirt
* All bathtubs must have feet
* It is illegal to drive around the town square more than 100 times in a single session
* Horses are not to be housed within 50 feet of an road
* Hard objects may not be thrown by hand
* Minors can buy rolling paper and tobacco but not lighters
* Balls may not be thrown within the city limits
* It is illegal to have a sheep in the cab of your truck without a chaperone
* It is illegal to go whale fishing
* If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested
* It is against the law to pawn your dentures
* It is illegal to drive a camel on the highway
New Hampshire
* It is illegal to pick seaweed up off of the beach
* You cannot sell the clothes you are wearing to pay off a gambling debt
New Jersey
* Automobiles are not to pass horse drawn carriages on the street
* It is illegal to slurp soup
New Mexico
* It is forbidden for a female to appear unshaven in public
* Gambling on bicycle races is legal
New York
* You need a permit to transport carbonated beverages
* It is against the law to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun
North Carolina
* It is against the law to sing off key
* You may not ride a bicycle without having both your hands on the handle bars
North Dakota
* It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on
* Beer and pretzels can’t be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant
* It is illegal to ride on the roof of a taxi cab
* It is illegal to run out of gas
* If you wear New York Jets clothing, you may be put in jail
* Molesting an automobile is illegal
* You must let your dishes drip dry
* No more than two people may share a single drink
* No one is allowed to sleep on a refrigerator
* Singing in the bathtub is prohibited
Rhode Island
* It is considered an offense to throw pickle juice on a trolley
* You may not sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday
South Carolina
* It is legal to beat your wife on a Sunday morning on the steps of the state house
* No work may be done on Sunday. An exception is that light bulbs may be sold
South Dakota
* It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory
* Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner are forbidden
* It is illegal to catch a fish with a lasso
* It is illegal to gather and consume road kill
* It is illegal to milk another person’s cow
* It is illegal to drive without windshield wipers - you don’t need a windshield, but you must have the wipers
* It is illegal not to drink milk
* Women may not swear
* It is against the law to whistle under water
* Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth
* Children are not to go trick-or-treating on Halloween
* Driving while not wearing shoes is prohibited
* All lollipops are banned
* It is illegal to pretend that one’s parents are rich
West Virginia
* Road kill may be taken home for supper
* If you wear a hat inside a theater, you may be fined
* It is illegal to wake a fireman when he is asleep
* Cheese making requires a cheese maker’s license
* You may not take a picture of a rabbit during the month of June
* Citizens of Cheyenne may not take showers on Wednesdays
Well if it would be possible i would like to add my own Dumb Law and that would be , It is illigal to spell my name after 7 AM. :)))
God Bless America, AGAIN!
De asta imi plac robotii, iti spun totul pe fata, nu te critica, judeca si nici nu vor sa te schimbe :) Tocmai de aceea trebuie sa le multumesc lor astazi cand inca mai traiesc o Toamna rece... citindu-le din noi mesajele.
Asa ca de plictiseala si in loc de altceva am sa postez si mesajele :)
Buna dimineata Claudiu,
Stim ca astazi este ziua ta si de aceea am dori sa iti uram
La Multi Ani,
multa sanatate si fericire si mai ales ...
succes in cariera !
Hello x,
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Hello x,
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Hello Claudel,
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Happy Birthday, Claudel!
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La multi ani, x!
Salut x,
Cu ocazia acestei minunate zi din viata ta, noi cei de la Trilulilu iti uram dintr-o rasuflare .... uuuuuuuuncaldurosLAMULTIANImultnorocbucuriidistractiesurprizeprietenidragostesifericire!
Ti-am pregatit si o felicitare. Click aici ca sa o vezi!
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Codul cuponului tau este bdcxl0d624eca17c25
Inca odata la Multi Ani,
Happy birthday Claudel!
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Have a great day!
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Hello pHuN,
We at Computer Games Forum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
Hello Claudel,
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Hello Claudel,
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Hello x,
We at Professional Gamers League would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
Hello x,
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Hello Claudel,
We at Codemasters forum would like to wish you a happy birthday today!
YAY ain't that fun?:)
Si normal trebuie sa-i multumesc lu' Enigma care-mi ura chestiile mentionate mai sus de ieri :D
Ti-a vopsit sufletul in tot felul de nuante si culori amare si apoi dispare ca o oboare lasandu-te in ceata zilei de maine, cautand raspunsuri la intrebarile ce nu s-au pus la timpul lor, in timp ce tu ramai doar umbra celei ce erai odata frumusetea intruchipata.
Iluzia ar fi sa te minti c-ai sa faci asa cum vrei cand defapt spui adevarul mintindu-te de azi si pentru maine, stiind ca asta nu e solutia finala.
asta a fost scrisa intr-o zi mai furtunoasa, in acea zi a trebuit sa-mi tai putin ficusul trecutului din prezentul asta infinit, si i-am lasat doar o creanga de care sa ma agat din cand in gand prin gand asa cum zic eu mai mereu.
It's more easy to pretend being someone else then just being yourself, that's why everyone is so fake these days.
OK! Now everyone is like WTF?
Let's get some facts str8, about a week ago I was sooo freaking busy that I "forgot" to eat for like 48 hours, hows that possible? well there comes Coca-Cola! it seems the more you drink the less appetite for food you have, and yes that's a Fact. And then the ladies come into this problem, i know for sure there are plenty of you girls that starve yourself to death just to loose some of that "junk", well you don't have to worry much about it now, just drink as much Coca-Cola as you can and that way you won't even have the "I'm so hungry that i might eat a pig for lunch" feeling at all, it's like magic! 1-2-3 poof there goes the appetite, food will be the last thing on your mind!!!
PS: I'm not a girl, this ain't no Paid Adv, I surely don't need to loose weight. Just a TIP for the Ladies whom usually starve themselves to death 'till Anorexia and her twin sister Bulimia knocks at their Doors.
PS2: Those looks never last anyway so why bother killing your body just to look good for a guy that sooner or later will dump you for another one anyway? if he wants to be with you, he will, either you got 100 or 300 pounds +.
e 9a far-un sfert din nou
rosesc in oglinda ochilor tai
si-ti vad umbra impinsa de vant
gustand din marea ta, placere
nerabdator sa-mi scald privirea
sa-mi plutesc gandurile lin pe valurile din ei
e 9a far-un sfert din nou si-mi place
melancolia ma strapunge ca un burghiu de sase
de fiecare data cand ochii mei se deslipesc de-ai tai
abia astept ceasul de maine
pe cand ai sa pasesti din nou
aceeasi strada din gandurile mele
e 9a far-un sfert din nou si doare
si tind sa cred c-avem aceeasi soarta
caram in spate povara cuvintelor nespuse
neauzite in ochii tai si-ai mei, in lumea noastra
chiar daca-ti simt privirea
chiar daca-ti urmaresc irisii calzi
gandindu-ma la tine, te simt mult mai aproape
un pixel mai aproape intr-un tablou al amintirilor frumoase
e 9a far-un sfert si imi lipsesti
in cealalta parte a globului de cristal pe care-l tin in mana
te caut printre petale
ce-i drept aievea
si-ti simt mirosul dulce
exact asa cum te numesti
aceeasi tipatoare, mireasma
din tine-mi sorb fericirea
aceeasi roua dulce
ce-ti scurge lin fiecare petala
scumpa, draga-mi fiinta
de-ti visez chipul in fiecare zi
nori calzi si fara de soare
aceeasi cupola umbrita de-al tau Eu
sub care vietuiesc cu mii de ganduri
si toamna cade lent
si-ti pierzi din farmec
din culoare, dar tot suava esti
vara fara de sunet, pe buzele oricui
in rost cu soarele, cu acelasi nume
doar Eul tau si Eu vom fi nedespartiti
in toi de toamna, un sloi vom fi
topind aceleasi ganduri
prim semn de primavara
Sper ca n-am sa-ti uit si maine aceeasi plapuma cu gust amar,
si-am sa te readuc la viata udandu-ti radacina sufletului in fiecare zi.
Eh, here i go again babbling about stuff and whining about life and how some things in life are just hilarious sometimes, like.. how love can cure addiction to some sort of stuff like smoking habits? that's a first :) and i really believe that's true, at least to me it worked for some time, but when you loose that thing that makes you do stuff without even thinking, that thing that drives you everyday, everything seems to come back as it was before or even worse.
Now some will say it was coincidence or whatever else but i felt it, it was there and it was real, maybe it doesn't work like that for everyone or maybe... who knows, it was just in my head or i was just daydreaming... Sometimes i wish everything was so easy as it is in movies and stuff, to just port there and do everything like that, easy and without having to think every step i take in this blank-ish-kinda-way of no motion and less pain full hopefully. It's like you're watching this beautiful movie almost like a dream side of life and then at "The End" everything goes black just like screen itself and you turn back to blank just like you were before, i really don't get it, why everything has to be so... so mean... so senseless and with all that said, i just believe all that nothingness of life would just go away... as soon as possible so i can be back to where i was, to where i wanna be, to where i do belong, and not just in a movie, not just in my dream, today, this year's Blank Autumn sweet Winter less surprising then ever, Welcome back my heavy Addiction.
You do spent all your life ruining others and their life's, without even knowing it, without even realising that someone hurts, someone will get hurt eventually and that's just you, because like that quote pretty much what goes around comes around and most of the times it's doubled or more, thinking you're too good to be just that, you tend to believe everything and you just fly by time and don't make no difference to just do it, it's easier doing it without even have'ta wake up, you just live in that dream hoping it will never end, but ya noe the clock will tick and will do alarm you or your life someday, somewhere in time.
Se pare ca Americanii au din nou probleme cu uraganele, data trecuta nu prea au fost pregatiti si multa lume a avut de suferit, multi glumeau pe baza uraganului trecut pentru ca, cica lui Bush i-ar fi trebuit cateva zile pana faca ceva concret, pe cand in Iraq/Afghanistan nu i-au trebuit decat 1 zi ca sa le duca ajutoare :)) deci iti poti da seama cam cat le trebuie lor sa procesese chestiile astea foarte importante :) stiu ca nu e de ras cu si anume chestiile astea dar na! cel putin pentru mine a fost funny!
Pentru mai multe detalii check this!
Hurricane Ike Set to Slam Texas Coast - Live Streaming
Well, God Bless America! AGAIN!
Am preluat o leapsa, si m-am tot gandit, chiar azi cautam informatii despre Japonia si alte chestii de'astea, sincer mi-ar place sa locuiesc acolo, poate mi-ar trebui mai mult timp sa ma decid unde anume dar cred ca in Asia :) Cel putin pentru mine partea aia a globului e foarte interesanta, daca tot m-am interesat astazi pe net am aflat ca exista un tip de viza numit "Viza pentru Hong Kong" mai exact..
Viza pentru Hong Kong 1. Potrivit Acordului între Guvernul Regiunii Administrative Speciale Hong Kong şi Guvernul României cu privire la scutirea reciprocă de vize, cetăţenii români, indiferent ce fel de paşaport deţin, sunt scutiţi de vize pe teritoriul Hong Kong pentru a perioadă de şedere maxim de trei luni şi numai cu scopul turistic, de vizită la rude sau de afacere.
Deci e similar cu ce avem noi aici in EU, poti sa te duci fara viza ex. la Hong Kong sa-l vezi pe King Kong :))
Daca e cineva care a fost prin Japonia si stie mai exact "chichitele" si detaliile despre joburi vize alea alea, va rog sa-mi lasati un comment :D
Dau si eu leapsa mai departe celor din blogrollul meu :)
Mda, la TV, prin ziare, pe mirc, prin 234234 de massuri, peste tot doar asta vezi Sfarsitul Lumii! Nush la ce se zbate lumea atat, chiar daca ar fi adevarat nu acum trebuia sa fiti agitati ci cu 1-2 ani in urma! cam asa ar trebui sa fie logic nu acum "pe ultima suta de metri" toata agitatia lol!
In caz ca si mai ales DACA ar fi sa fie asa, iubiti-va mult! maine cica e Sfarsitul Lumii deci in seara asta rupeti patul :)))) asa ca sa nu uitati pe lumea cealalta cum a fost :))) Toti virginii au acum scuza perfecta pentru a`si incepe viata sexuala :))) cautati sa spuneti celor dragi ce aveti de spus si mai ales sa va cereti iertare pentru toate pacatele :))
Sa ne revedem cu bine pe partea cealalta, cu acelasi zambet shifonat pe buze :)
PS: Atentie la Semafor!
Mda inca un semnal de alarma pentru conducatorii auto si pentru ceilalati, chiar daca tu crezi ca esti un sofer destul de bun, e deajuns ca altii sa nu fie lafel si uite asa se intapla cate un accident chiar daca nu esti tu de vina, ba chiar daca nu esti tu la volanul unui automobil si esti doar un simplu trecator!
Moartea nu bate la usa niciodata!
e Noua far-un sfert
in suburbia gandurilor mele
din cand in gand, prin gand asa
o lume mica sade-n stol
un sat mai vechi, ce sta sa cada
din lumea visurilor
doar tu-mi lipsesti
alinare, ca o cascada
pe strada mea,
si acolo-n sat, pe ulita-mi de vis
e noua far-un sfert
si-astept sa vii mereu
pe ulita gandurilor mele
sa-ti aud soapta ce-mi alinta
si tremur tot, in vis
in suburbia gandurilor mele
acelasi gand, ca un dispret
ma doare...
bate la usa mea
mereu un stol de ganduri
cutremurand totul, amintirea ta
o simt in vene, si-i noua far-un sfert
si tot astept sa vii
in suburbia gandurilor mele
si barba-mi las
pe fiecare strop, de zi
ce-astept sa vii, in paradis
in satul meu, acolo
sa-mi gadili struna
exact asa cum stii, de jale
intr-una ca nebuna
e noua far-un sfert, o alta zi
in suburbia gandurilor mele
o picatura din soapta ta
in vis as vrea s-aud din nou
fara dispret, nici lacrimi
ca-n targ sa-ti vand, acelasi gand
pe strada mea, in satul meu
fara de caini si de pisici
la noua far-un sfert, in lumea mea
mi-e dor de tine, mi-e dor si doare
doar tu-mi lipsesti si Te Iubesc
la noua far-un sfert, in Lumea Mea
in suburbia Gandurilor Mele.
Nu cu mult timp in urma un prieten mi-a propus sa-mi traduc un text din Engleza in Romana si salnic fiind (ca de obicei) si normal pentru ca nu stiu sa traduc prea bine din Engleza in Romana, i-am sugerat sa foloseasca Google Language Tools bun nu trece mult timp si-mi spune prietenul ala, cica auzi ma da ce mi-ai dat tu acolo ca nu inteleg nimic, normal nedumerit fiind, intreb de ce? pai uita-te si tu ce-mi traduce asta... si ca sa vezi ce burta buna de ras am facut pe spetele lu' Nenea Gugle :)
Original text:
Some fallen Angel
Translation: English » Romanian
Original text:
More venin came after
Translation: English » Romanian
Mai multe venin a venit după ce
Original text:
So many lies.
Translation: English » Romanian
Deci, se afla mai multe.
Original text:
There more I had..
Translation: English » Romanian
Nu am avut mai multe ..
Original text:
Such a beauty, like never seen
Translation: English » Romanian
O astfel de salon de frumusete, cum ar fi văzut niciodată
Original text:
Loving you, my shadow.
Translation: English » Romanian
Loving tu, umbra mea.
Original text:
That Angel, left me hanging
Translation: English » Romanian
Asta Angel, ma pãrãsit spanzuratoare
Deci... nu numai ca mi-a zis ca's narod si mi-am batut joc de el dar... sincer nush ce sa mai zic, nu cred ca mai are rost vreun comentariu :)))
Am sa tin minte sa nu mai recomand Google Language Tools... pentru a traduce texte in Lb Romana ;)
Chiar daca in alte limbi merge destul de bine GLT dar na! asta e viata, mai incercam si altceva, eu tot la Check Spelling raman :)
Arzand pe Messenger - Chat-o-liric cu doua fete.
Ti-as da sa gusti!
De pofta, ca de foame esti satula
Cu pofta, putin cate putin
Idei meschine, ganduri dulci si vise care trec,
Iluzii, aluzii, putin cate putin
chiar daca esti fierbinte
chiar daca fierbe sucu-n tine
chiar daca esti acolo, sunt aici
Chiar daca nu suntem deloc
Deloc si atat,
Defel, putin cate putin
Si totusi! fierbi!
Fierbi Femeie, vis urat
Vis urat, pentru ca nu-mi apartii
Daca ai fi a mea, te-as visa frumos
Te-as visa, fierband
Chiar dacaaaaaaaaaaaaa, nu esti a mea
Fierband, ushor ushor, putin cate putin
Si totusiiii, fierbi
Femeie, vis urat pe buzele oricui
Oricum, oricand, si atat
Atat de urat incat ma aprind de fiecare data cand te visez
Pari atat de reala si totusi fierbi in sucul tau meschin
In sucul tau si-n zeama ta, Femeie
Crede-ma cand zic, musc rau, musti rau sharpe
Ziiiiiiiiiiic cum musti, fierband
Musca-ma fierbinte, sa-ti simt pielea arzand
Te o sa raman...semnul
Scrum de cenusa
Ai sa ramai, o rana
Pe umar, care nu se vindeca
Rana ce-mi aduce mereu aminte ca existi
Acolo undeva pe corpul meu
Printre solzii mei, sarpe fiind
Si pe, si in
Si o otrava
Nu iese pana mori
Otrava ce esti, Femeie
Cu forme frumoase pe dinafara, fara aripi pe dinauntru
Atat de pura, si totusi fierbi
In sucul tau in zeama ta si-n mine
As vrea sa nu se sfarseasca clipa
Mereu, putin cate putin
Mereu in tine, pe tine, in mine si atat
Asta iti doresti cel mai mult...
Si fierbi si tu
Sa ma ai
Nu-mi doresc dorinta ce ti-o doresc
Pentru ca nu o pot avea, nici pe tine nici pe ea
Ce-ti doresti?
Ce-mi doresti, sa-ti fie numai bine
Hai zi sa-ti urmez glasul
Visul, si sufletul cand pleaca
Dorinta din tine, in gand cu mine
Dorinta...asta este ea?
Nu altceva? nu alta femeie ?
Chiar daca fierbi, te sting cu fiecare gand
Nici tu nici ea, dorinta
De ce ma stingi?
De ce sa fierbi cand esti iubita ?
Si totusi rece, printre altele
Si totusi uda, acolo sus... acolo jos
Si totusiiiiiiiiii fierbiiii
In sucul tau, in zeama ta, arzand tot ce te-nconjoara
Inclusiv pe tine
De asta m-am nascut
Inclus in tine, ard mocnit
Putin cate putin
Mereu ard
Pentru mine si pentru toti
Dar ard si in jurul meu
Ard totul, ma arzi pe mine, si tot imi place
Macar asa
Putin cate putin, arzand te pierzi in ceata
Ca se poate
Si ziua cea din urma va veni, nu poti sa arzi la nesfarsit
Ma pierzi
Si tu?
Din jaratec dulce, in cub rece de gheata te transformi
Putin cate putin, fara de mila ai sa ramai
In cele din urma cu putin cuvinte, stravezii
Ziua cand ai sa pleci, arzand
Ziua cand eu am sa raman doar o rana
Pe pieptul tau de sarpe
Printre mii de alte rani si solzi
Fara de cuvant sau suflare, arzand
Nu vreau ca clipa asta sa vina
Si tu totusi arzi pentru mine sau de dorul altuia ?
Ard si-atat
Tu ce vrei sa-ti spun?.....
Ca ard pentru tine......
Ca am nevoie de tine....
Ca esti aerul meu......
Sunt doar un punct, un mic punct in lumea ta
Atat de mic incat solzii pe tine sunt precum blocurile gri din jurul tau
Nu-i asa
Nu esti doar asta
Gigantic de mic, atat de mic, mai mic de`atat nici ca se poate
Asa crezi?
Nu-i asa, nuuuuuu
Si totusi arziiiiiiii, arzi in mine cum arzi si in gandul meu
Putin cate putin, arzi toata, te arzi prin gand in gand
Si prezentul e prezent......
Azi sunt fericita ca ard
Poate ca maine ma voi stinge....
Dar azi e azi,
Si azi traiesc
Mocnit, putin cate putin, azi traiesti, maine esti lipsa
O alta rana lipsa, inca o dorinta, inca o stea cazuta
Arzi! atat cat mai poti, cat inca mai esti printre noi
Si tu?
Ce alegi?
Sa ma uiti?
Poti asta?
Aleg o alta rana, un alt vis, te aleg in gand
Te visez in mijlocul zilei, te urasc in mijloc noptii
Noaptea de ce ma urasti?
Te urasc, vis urat, putin cate putin
De ce ma urasti?
Sarpe in gand cu solzi in raspar, Femeie
De ce? de ce ma urasti?
Te urasc, Femeie
Te urasc, Sharpe
Te urasc vis urat, rana ce-mi porti gustul
Ca un strop de ploaie dupa o zi insorita
Nu ma urai
Torida, arzi, plangand stropi de ploaie
De ce sa ma urasti?
Ce ti-am facut?
Rece, esti si atat, in lipsa
Sa ma urasti?
In gand ramai, doar tu, Femeie
In mintea mea, tu! Sarpe musti rau
Nu ma urasti
Stiu iubesti
Din mine, din tine, din noi amandoi
Un sarpe... un corp frumos de femeie
Mocnit, putin cate putin
Pe zi ce trece, dispari in ceata
In ceata visurilor mele, dispari
In fiecare zi ma iubesti mai putin?
Am sa invat sa te visez mai putin, sa te iubesc mai putin
Dar niciodata n-am sa pot, chiar daca sarpele rece din mine asta vrea
Nu vei putea...
Sa ma iubesti mai putin
Musca mereu fara sete din tine, chiar daca arzi
Dar... niciodata nu e prea tarziu.
Ce nu e prea tarziu?
Sa ma uiti sau sa ma ai?
De ce te-ai orpit?....
Nu mai poti?....
Vii la mine?....
Sa ma musti?....
Ce sa fac la tine?
Pai nu ti-am zis? ma musti, ca te chinui!
Pai nu pleci dimineata?
Doar ziceam...
Vreau sa dorm.
Logic ce?
Ma cheama...EL
In gandul lui.
Incepe prin a lua ce ai lasa in urma
Termina cu ce ai inceput ca sa inteleg
Lipsa cuvintelor dulci din contextul asta rece
Ce am... lasat?...e cu doua sensuri
Sa termin cu ce a m inceput..
Parca e o ghicitoare
Taci! si spune-mi din priviri,
Expresia cuvantului cel mai drag
Explica-te, exprima-te doar din cuvinte,
In tacere, muta fiind.
Ce vrei? ce vrei tu defapt?
Iti sunt doar drag? in prag de vorba,
Lipsa sensului vezi?
Nici versul n-are rima fara tine,
In el, in noi si totusi ce vrei?
Daca-mi esti drag? stii?...
Ce sa stiu? as vrea sa stiu ce stii
Ca sa pot intelege mai bine
Si totusi nu-mi spui ce vrei sa stiu,
Stiind ca-ti sunt doar drag
Versul e ca in Shakespeare ...
Si poate si restul e la fel
Nu-mi esti doar drag
De mi-esti drag, ci altceva...mai mult....
Doar ca in Shakespeare ...
Drag si atat, in prag de cuvant lipsa,
Ma lasi fara glas
Fara sens, fara loc, in loc de altceva,
Sau... lipsa
Stiu ...dar nu am ce face....
Omul ala a murit....
Eu ce sa fac?...
Cand sa-l inviez?....
Ti-am dat o mana...
Inainte sa ma marit
Nu ai dorit sa o vezi....
Mort si totusi viu prin tine, ce sunt?
Fa bine si spune, ce vrei defapt
Tu ce vrei?
In lipsa asta notorie, ma invart in roton
Vezi...daca tu nu de ce as spune
Pentru ca esti un simplu sarpe
Si ce-mi spuneai? ma iubesti?
Ca ma vrei?
Ca-mi lipsesti, lipsa fara de cuvant, rasuflu usurat
De ce usurat?
Pentru ca nu ai pic de intentie, nu ai pic de cuvant,
Esti goala...
Ma provoci
Nici acum...dupa atatia ani, nu ai inima
Si totusi arzand, Femeie
Sarpe cu solzii pe mine arzand!
cuvant?....tu nu!
Simplu, sunt mort si traiesc doar prin tine
Nu exist, decat in lumea mea, in mintea ta si atat
Si eu?...unde sunt acolo?
Lumea mea?..mintea mea?
Adica mi se pare?
Nu exist, decat in lumea mea, in mintea ta si atat
Si eu?
Unde exist?
Minti, deci existi
Ma exist in tine
Daca te vreau?..pot sa te am?
Prin mine trece orice gand rece de`al tau
Poate doar in tine....daca ma vrei poti?
Tot in tine
E altfel realitatea
Te simt cu fiecare strop, putin cate putin
Realitatea ta e doar un vis pentru mine
Si stropii astia reci
Nu te racesc
Un vis urat, o Femeie, un Sarpe si atat
Ci mai tare
Te infierbanta
Sunt un sarpe care musca de inima
In zeama ta, in sucul tau, ma regasesc
Pentru ca a fost muscat de inima
Arzand, fiecare cuvant doare
Doar ca esti acolo, doar ca nu vei mai fi deloc
Caci muscatura a trecut...
A ramas doar rana.
Voi fi
Vorba ta
Va ramane doar o urma, o simpla rana
Never say never
Urma ta pe solzii mei, fara aripi
Cine stie
Poate ca nu vreau
Ca rana sa o inchid
Si totusi am sa pot zbura, cu gandul mereu la tine
Si nu o voi lasa sa se inchida
Nu vei zbura
Si totusi.... niciodata nu e prea tarziu.
Nu o sa te las
Uda fiind, arzand vizibil, cu un miros dulce amarui
Vroiam sa te chinui
Prin gand in gand cu fericirea, in lipsa mea
Sa nu te las sa uiti
Nici o clipa
Sa nu uiti
Sa nu ma uiti
Nu mai vreau sa ma uiti.
C ft. E - Chat-o-lyrics, un poem si-o poezie.
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