Aberative Beats - Another Step Inside

Another step Inside...
Another level of you and me,
Like one, as one body
Invisible and awkward
As if it was for real
Getting out of the fog...
Jumping back in life.
Living for yourself first
And then for the others
Even tho I'm one of them
Selfishly inflow with You
That you, inside of me
Inside of you...
Still hurting, heartless
Soulless burning
Just missing you...
Inside of me.
So be it!
I'll eat the pain
And blossom once again!
With me and you..
As if we dreamt, for real
Daydreaming a soft naked.. shadow
Of our own existence
For now that is, just blank
Just you, me and....
--Another step inside the fog.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    abia astept sez 4 din toamna 8-> ... pentru ca sezonul 3 se termina oarecum neasteptat:|

  2. weh daca tu crezi ca sez 3 sa terminat neasteptat, stai sa vezi sez4 cu Dean in hell :)) crek juma de sezon o sa fie numai acolo, dupa aia iese si se chinuie sa revina la normal :D chiar daca scriitorul a vrut sa ii "omoare" caracterul chiar din sez3, acum "neasptetat" ii tine caracterul in continuare si in sez4 dar nush cat de interesant o fi, cu el numai in iad acolo printre inamici :D

    Si la subiect, does this sound kinda.. weird to you ?

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