Ce poate fi mai funny de atat? cum sa te duci beata la examenul pt permis de conducere :)))))))) prea penal ma jur :X
Millennials are the largest generation in American history. Born between 1978 and 2000, WE are 95 million strong, compared to the 78 million Baby Boomers. WE are politically, socially, and philosophically independent, and are spearheading a period of sweeping change in America and around the world. The new book, Generation We, explains the emerging power of our Millennial Generation, and shows how WE (and older people who think the way WE do) are poised to change our nation and our world for the better.
Free eBook
This is so touching... even tho that's not the only place on the globe where these kind of ORG's are needed.
Will you join?
Generation WE
Mda m-am gandit sa redeschid blogul chiar daca nu am pic de chef sa scriu vreo ceva :X
Sunt in genul ala de stare cand nimic nu-ti convine, nimic nu-ti mai e pe plac, nimeni si nimic, totul si nimic!
Ba chiar te ia cu hai si anume sictir de la stomac, daca intelegi ce vreau sa spun sau nu, tot neinteresant, iti dai seama?:|
In timp ce "schitam" un nou design la blog, ca de obicei m-am lasat la mana mea si m-am apucat de alte prostii,
tot din plictiseala si tot din cauza acelei stari de lasa-ma sa te las sa ma lasi in pace, sau mai bine nu.
Si cum ziceam asta e rezultatul.. http://free.movietrailers.ro , acum parca mi-am pierdut timpul degeaba si as sterge tot numai incat
sa o iau de la capat ca sa am ceva de facut, si-as ucide plictiseala asta cu sange rece de! ca tot e frig afara :)
Dar daca tot e frig, sa ascultam o melodie calda :X
No me Ames! sAc!
Doua prietene virgine isi povesteau tot ce faceau .
Una dintre ele pleaca intr-o excursie si se intoarce ne-mai-virgina.
Cealalta o intreaba:
- Cum e? Povesteste-mi!
- Prima data este oribil, doare de nu-ti imaginezi; dar apoi e nemaipomenit!
Prietena sa, intrigata, intreaba:
- Cam cum doare? Ca durerea de cap, de stomac?
- Nuuuu!
- Atunci cum? Ca durerea de spate, de masea, de urechi?
- Da! E ca durerea de masea!
- De ce ca durerea de masea?
- Pentru ca te doare, dar nu vrei sa ti-o scoata!
Un barbat surprins la amanta de catre sot sare de la etajul XX.
In cadere se gindeste: "Nu puteam sa stau acasa cu nevasta... sa maninc un
gratar... sa beau un sprit.... si cine stie poate sa fac si sex."
Cade cu noroc pe o capitza de iarba proaspat cosita din spatiul verde al
blocului si imbracindu-si izmenele cugeta:
"Doamne cum e omul.... numai doua secunde am fost disperat si cate prostii
mi-au trecut prin cap..."
Un barbat ajunge acasa si isi gaseste sotia facandu-si bagajele.
- Ce faci, draga? Unde pleci?
- La Las Vegas! Am aflat ca acolo sunt barbati care m-ar plati cu 400$ ca
sa le fac ce tie iti fac pe gratis!
Omul sta putin pe ganduri, apoi incepe si el sa-si faca bagajele.
- Dar tu ce faci acolo? intreaba sotia.
- Merg si eu la Las Vegas... sunt curios sa vad cum te descurci cu 800$ pe an!
Nu beau, nu fumez, ma scol la 6 in fiecare zi, ma culc la ora 22, nu-mi
insel nevasta... ... dar si cand o sa ies din puscarie...
O doamna intra intr-o farmacie.
-Nu va suparati, aveti prezervative King size?
- Da' sigur, vreti sa cumparati?
- Nu, dar pot sa stau sa vad cine cumpara?
- Ce mai faci bã, Bula?
- Ce sã fac, trag limbi.
- Vai, nu stii cã nu-i sãnãtos?
- Pãi nu trag în piept.
Bill Gates ajunge in Paradis. Sfintul Petre ii spune:
- Bill, cu tine e intr-adevar greu de hotarit. Tu ai facut mari progrese tehnologice cu
Microsoft si tu ai creat Windows 95. Te las sa alegi intre paradis si iad.
Bill Gates ii raspunde:
- Pot sa vad inainte de a alege, iadul ?
Sfintul Petre ii arata atunci o lumea minunata cu plaje, femei frumoase, climat ideal,
mincare selecta. Bill ii spune:
- Deci asta este iadul ! Vreau sa vad si raiul.
Sfintul Petre ii arata un cimp de nori cu ingeri ce cinta la harpa. Bill ii raspunde:
- E bine in rai, dar eu prefer iadul!
2 saptamini mai tirziu, Sf. Petre face un tur prin iad ca sa vada ce mai face amicul
nostru Bill. Il gaseste legat de un zid, inconjurat de flacari si de draci.
- Sfinte Petre, il striga Bill, e teribil aici! Nu e iadul pe care l-am vizitat acuma citeva zile
Ce s-a intimplat cu plajele, femeile si mincarea?
- Oh, acela era doar un demo... , ii raspunde Sf. Petre.
http://view.break.com/590280 - Watch more free videos
You just wish that'll never happen to you :))
Pentru noi, restul -majoritatea anormală- respectul n-are de-a face cu iubirea. Din contră, e chiar un turn off, diminuează considerabil şansele de a avea o relaţie ratată.
Asta vine de la Puttycat si e o perla de toata frumusetea, prea putin conteaza cat la suta e sarcasm.
Nu-i de mirare de ce atatea Femei sunt distruse pe viata, abuzate in toate felurile, tratate drept jucarii sexuale, ba chiar multe ajung sa traiasca precum sclavii, fara nici un rost sau pret.
Cand iesi pe strada aproape dezbracata sa nu te miri de ce esti violata.
Sa nu te miri ca esti catalogata drept curva cand tu defapt te imbraci si te comporti ca o curva.

Cand toate astea iti sunt pe plac, E DOAR VINA TA!
Cel mai interesant documentar vazut vreodata despre economia globala si din cate am observat Romania se regaseste printre sclavii enumerati... au vandut aproape tot ca sa plateasca imprumuturile externe.. ce a mai ramas.. pamantul in sine? sunt multe de invatat din acest documentar daca ai rabdarea necesara... enjoy.
Abstract? Women? OK, ok don't be SO shocked nor surprised that's 100% right and just another fact about Women. It takes alot of time, and when I say A lot, A LOT is exactly what I mean, a lifetime to get to know a woman, I doubt anyone has that much time to know everything about women, to get to know a woman is more like an art, for a guy is merely impossible to understand a women, that's why most if not all the times girls have girls as best friends.
To me (at least) the difference between Men and Women is like Human and Computer, there is so much information that you'll never have enough space to store it, and of course to be able to know that much stuff and write about it -you'll have to be a Woman, which I'm not but I'll try anyway :)
In a way or another we always "do" something wrong and that's because we don't know that much about them or what we "think" we do know it's actually wrong or we see it just differently so we use it as it is and not by what it means, why I'm saying this? well let's take affection for example, when we hear that Women need affection... we think about ? SEX! yep! that's the most common answer, well one thing is for sure, we never ask what is what nor what it means and surely not everyone will give the same answer, because of course we arent all the same nor all of us want the same things. Then again if you take attention, some will say "Hi, how was your day?" and poof there goes the whole attention thing, problem solved moving on, let's watch some football :)
What most of us don't understand is that Women in general look at and for details, those small stuff you do without even thinking about 'em, of course asking her stuff and all that it's a good thing but if that's it.. there is a lack of communication, and that's what we hate most, a Woman talking it's like watching a good movie in another language which basicly we don't like plus we don't understand so all we can do is say "aha" "ooo" "really?" "Damn" "What a Bitch!" and so on and when it's over you just ask "can we go to bed now?" and there it goes the whole "movie" aka conversation :)
While we think that the "big and shining things" impresses them most of the times it's not really like that, the smallest stuff are more important if are used often, otherwise one big thing in.... months, uhuh i doubt that'll do it.
So we get to do all that small stuff, those details thinking OK that has to be it, I'll do that from now on and i won't hear her whine about anything, wrong! that's not enough :)
To be able to keep Women happy you'll have to have an infinite imagination because they are so complex... you can't even name all the stuff they like...at one point they like this, two seconds later they want something else... if it was white they want it red and so on, and all the times that just makes you go crazy.
Men will always be just tools for Women, no matter how much you know about them and no matter how much you try, you'll end up eating your brain on a plate because of them and I'm happy that this thing is vice versa :) at least that makes us even at some point in life :D
Just remember if a flower doesn't make her blossom nor shine, try a hug that might last longer :)
In case you fail to see, this is my heart
This foolish piece of me, just stone
Won't stop thinking about you, tomorrow
I heart you in the morning, over some coffe
Every day i heart you, and you're breaking
So many pieces, lost with the wind
I heart you, i hurt you, i heart you again
So there you go, missing that sparkle
Missing today, tomorrow, still missing
In case you fail to see, this is my heart
With you and many other pieces
I heart you today, i hurt you tomorrow
In case you fail to see, this is me
I can't be there, even if i want
I can't be who you want me to be, simple as that.
Even tho i heart you, forever missing.
Retine doar ca atunci cand nici o rotita din ceasul tau nu mai merge, sa-ti abati gandurile rele cu amintirile frumoase dintr-o viata anterioara chiar daca in prezent nu te mai reprezinta.
I'm so irrelevant that I cannot see the difference between self today and the selfish tomorrow.
Every time I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, and just have eachother sleep in one another's arms you're not here, so now you can feel the differ.
Somewhere in time we wish too much, we want too much, we take everything as granted when in fact we never do anything to deserve something at all.
I strive to think I'm not yet in the position to judge either I found it/em nor how many times felt that, but I for one think i am feeling that such thing called joy every time I am beside the one thing I miss having beside me.
Kill me today because I'm sad and let me reborn the happiest yesterday thinking it will never end.
Yourself: daydreamer
Your Spouse: boobilicious
Your Hair: brown
Your Mother: irrlevant
Your Father: missing
Your Favorite Item: microsoft t-shirt
Your Dream Last Night: one eyed snake
Your Favorite Drink: Redbull
Your Dream Car: R8
The Room You Are In: bedroom
Your Ex: unlovable
Your Fear: loneliness
What Do You Want To Be In Ten Years: dead
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: ex
What Your Not: liar
Muffins: noty
One of Your Wish List (Items): Alienware Area-51 m15x
Time: cross
The Last Thing You Did: think
What You Are Wearing: sportswear
Your Favorite Weather: hot
Your Favorite Book: Enigma
The Last Thing You Ate: dreams
Your Life: blank
Your Mood: blank
Your Best Friend: ex
What Your Thinking About Right Now: blank
Your Car: none
What You Are Doing At The Moment: writing an answer
Your Summer: shorty
Your Relationship Status: blank
What Is On Your TV: blue screen of death
What Is The Weather Like: fine to sleep
When Was The Last Time You Laughed: i can't remember
De la Liz , acum e randu celor din blogrollul meu :)
Un Biker pedala de zor pe coasta Californiei, cand cerul se intuneca subit si auzi o voce bubuitoare : "Deoarece ai INCERCAT sa-mi fi credincios in toate cele, iti voi acorda o dorinta, caci eu sunt Dumnezeul tau!" Se opreste bikerul si spune : "Fa-mi un pod pana in Hawaii ca sa pot merge acolo cu bicicleta cand am chef." Dumnezeu: "Se poate face, dar nu pot justifica dorintele tale lumesti, mai bine gandeste-te putin si cere-mi ceva care sa-mi aduca si mie glorie eterna, si tie satisfactie spirituala!" Se gandeste bikerul indelung si intr-un sfarsit spune: "Doamne, as vrea sa inteleg femeile. Vreau sa stiu cum sa fac o femeie cu adevarat fericita.".. .Dupa o tacere indelungata, Dumnezeu raspunde: " Vrei podul cu 2 sau cu 4 benzi." =))))
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