love me!
love me please, not!
today i lust
tomorrow why not, my sorrow!
while dreaming of you,
in my plain text, shining!
too bad I lost you with a bet
on life itself, just breathing!
the sharp ending of what i say will brake you
this spear of words unsaid will hurt you
my feelings just for you, the lonely self
here I am, taking my heart out
just to show you love and sympathy, why not!
tearing me apart, you're braking me, slowly!
into pieces like glass and dust, you won!
surely I do deserve, all that!
and here I am, one lonely fifty fifty part
nonsense and the rest of that nasty crap
stop pointing that finger
stop saying it's all my fault!
because it ain't, it never was, like that!
just a lonely fifty fifty part
bleeding foolishly, this is my heart!
love me please, not!
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Love it!
Atat de adevarat ce ai surprins in aceasta poezie... Oare poti cere cuiva sa nu te iubeasca atunci cand asta simte cu tot sufletul si cand sentimentele vin ca un rau nestavilit, dand la o parte din calea lor orice argumente ale ratiunii, orice bariere ale inhibitiei si temerii? Iubirea nu incepe si, ca atare, nu se poate opri la nicio rugaminte. Sufletul singur decide cand totul se termina, nu are importanta a cui vina este.
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