Retine doar ca atunci cand nici o rotita din ceasul tau nu mai merge, sa-ti abati gandurile rele cu amintirile frumoase dintr-o viata anterioara chiar daca in prezent nu te mai reprezinta.
I'm so irrelevant that I cannot see the difference between self today and the selfish tomorrow.
Every time I want to wrap my arms around you and hold you tight, and just have eachother sleep in one another's arms you're not here, so now you can feel the differ.
Somewhere in time we wish too much, we want too much, we take everything as granted when in fact we never do anything to deserve something at all.
I strive to think I'm not yet in the position to judge either I found it/em nor how many times felt that, but I for one think i am feeling that such thing called joy every time I am beside the one thing I miss having beside me.
Kill me today because I'm sad and let me reborn the happiest yesterday thinking it will never end.
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