
Yourself: daydreamer
Your Spouse: boobilicious
Your Hair: brown
Your Mother: irrlevant
Your Father: missing
Your Favorite Item: microsoft t-shirt
Your Dream Last Night: one eyed snake
Your Favorite Drink: Redbull
Your Dream Car: R8
The Room You Are In: bedroom
Your Ex: unlovable
Your Fear: loneliness
What Do You Want To Be In Ten Years: dead
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: ex
What Your Not: liar
Muffins: noty
One of Your Wish List (Items): Alienware Area-51 m15x
Time: cross
The Last Thing You Did: think
What You Are Wearing: sportswear
Your Favorite Weather: hot
Your Favorite Book: Enigma
The Last Thing You Ate: dreams
Your Life: blank
Your Mood: blank
Your Best Friend: ex
What Your Thinking About Right Now: blank
Your Car: none
What You Are Doing At The Moment: writing an answer
Your Summer: shorty
Your Relationship Status: blank
What Is On Your TV: blue screen of death
What Is The Weather Like: fine to sleep
When Was The Last Time You Laughed: i can't remember

De la Liz , acum e randu celor din blogrollul meu :)

One Response so far.

  1. Docica says:

    Who You Hung Out With Last Night: ex
    chiara asa?:P...nu vrei sa-mi raspunzi de loc pe mess! :(

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