El e butoiu saltaret si ea e mireasa din povesti, si totusi se potrivesc :))
prea tare ma jur :)))
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Cu ocazia asta fac o promisiune solemna: dansul mirlilor la nunta mea va fi nebun! Vreau sa spun ca se potrivesc 200%... ce butoi de 300 de kile... ce mireasa din povesti? Perechea din povesti!
Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations it is our pleasure to announce that your blog site has been nominated for the October BlogNet Awards Contest in the Best Foreign Language and the Best Poetry Blog Category. As part of the Awards nomination process, we visit all nominated blog sites to verify that they meet our standards. Obviously you did.
To improve your chances to win the award we suggest that you start letting your friends, readers, and family know so that they can come - vote and comment on your blog and other blogs in the Comment Cash Contest. The BlogNet Widget is a great way to notify your visitors of your nomination, and there will soon be other benefits in displaying the widget.
There are lots of great reasons to participate in the BlogNet Awards and we're looking forward to seeing you around.
Once again, Congratulations and Good luck.
Administrative Director
BlogNet Awards
Thought I would stop by and say hello.
Walt AKA All Sports on the Web
All Sports on the Web