
Abstract Shapes of Life - Women

Abstract? Women? OK, ok don't be SO shocked nor surprised that's 100% right and just another fact about Women. It takes alot of time, and when I say A lot, A LOT is exactly what I mean, a lifetime to get to know a woman, I doubt anyone has that much time to know everything about women, to get to know a woman is more like an art, for a guy is merely impossible to understand a women, that's why most if not all the times girls have girls as best friends.
To me (at least) the difference between Men and Women is like Human and Computer, there is so much information that you'll never have enough space to store it, and of course to be able to know that much stuff and write about it -you'll have to be a Woman, which I'm not but I'll try anyway :)
In a way or another we always "do" something wrong and that's because we don't know that much about them or what we "think" we do know it's actually wrong or we see it just differently so we use it as it is and not by what it means, why I'm saying this? well let's take affection for example, when we hear that Women need affection... we think about ? SEX! yep! that's the most common answer, well one thing is for sure, we never ask what is what nor what it means and surely not everyone will give the same answer, because of course we arent all the same nor all of us want the same things. Then again if you take attention, some will say "Hi, how was your day?" and poof there goes the whole attention thing, problem solved moving on, let's watch some football :)
What most of us don't understand is that Women in general look at and for details, those small stuff you do without even thinking about 'em, of course asking her stuff and all that it's a good thing but if that's it.. there is a lack of communication, and that's what we hate most, a Woman talking it's like watching a good movie in another language which basicly we don't like plus we don't understand so all we can do is say "aha" "ooo" "really?" "Damn" "What a Bitch!" and so on and when it's over you just ask "can we go to bed now?" and there it goes the whole "movie" aka conversation :)
While we think that the "big and shining things" impresses them most of the times it's not really like that, the smallest stuff are more important if are used often, otherwise one big thing in.... months, uhuh i doubt that'll do it.
So we get to do all that small stuff, those details thinking OK that has to be it, I'll do that from now on and i won't hear her whine about anything, wrong! that's not enough :)
To be able to keep Women happy you'll have to have an infinite imagination because they are so complex... you can't even name all the stuff they like...at one point they like this, two seconds later they want something else... if it was white they want it red and so on, and all the times that just makes you go crazy.

Men will always be just tools for Women, no matter how much you know about them and no matter how much you try, you'll end up eating your brain on a plate because of them and I'm happy that this thing is vice versa :) at least that makes us even at some point in life :D

Just remember if a flower doesn't make her blossom nor shine, try a hug that might last longer :)

3 Responses so far.

  1. si daca..amintirile frumoase.. au fost motivul gandurilor rele.. si a ceasului oprit?

  2. Anonymous says:

    cred ca asta e a 3 a sau a 4 a oara cand incerc sa`ti las un comentariu la articolul asta [ lately, beowser`ul isi cam bate joc de mine]
    felicitari pentru articol >:D<
    e cel mai bun post citit de mine in blogosfera asta in ultimele 3 luni
    I wanna read more of this.
    question tine : esti sigur ca esti Claudiu si nu ClaudiA :))) ?
    ( joking )

  3. Anonymous says:

    Felicitari pentru articol >:D<

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