In case you fail to see, this is my heart
This foolish piece of me, just stone
Won't stop thinking about you, tomorrow
I heart you in the morning, over some coffe
Every day i heart you, and you're breaking
So many pieces, lost with the wind
I heart you, i hurt you, i heart you again
So there you go, missing that sparkle
Missing today, tomorrow, still missing
In case you fail to see, this is my heart
With you and many other pieces
I heart you today, i hurt you tomorrow
In case you fail to see, this is me
I can't be there, even if i want
I can't be who you want me to be, simple as that.
Even tho i heart you, forever missing.
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ce ti-am facut? de ce nu-mi raspunzi...azi am chef sa ma plimb cu motorul...o sa sun pe poate vom depasi viteza numai tat