The shadow of my toughs
Came back in my dreams, last night
And I wasn't Keanu Reeves
We fought for life and death
And only one could win
And then I started screaming
Until one was left standing
And then I woke up in the middle of some war
With the shadows of my toughs
Like in the second part of Déjà vu
Until Eight AM, last night
I won by chess mate, in the final round
When my shadows were pretty exhausted
That bastard Sun was shining on my side again
I taught I'll win this but i was wrong
I think'ed twice and I lost it all
When you pinched me saying it's alright
It's just a dream, it's just a nightmare
You're fighting with the shadow of your toughs
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interesting poem
da ai dreptate..acolo sunt doar 1% din total:">...noi fetele
It's more easy to pretend being someone else then just being yourself, that's why everyone is so fake these days.
nici nu stii cata dreptate este in aceasta zicala...sau cred ca stii mai bine decat mine ;)
Poate daca nu stiam nu-mi venea s-o scriu :)