How stupid are Americans?

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The best of all..

Some things from these vids are mindblowing.. one of them would be the Eiffel Tower in Australia.... and Europe is a COUNTRY? that's hillarious.

How come America is so powerful if knowledge is the power? Yet another mistery...

4 Responses so far.

  1. dylan says:

    i enjoyed the videos! ^_^

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ha! Asta nu-i nimic! Uite-aici articol de Esquire, compus de un domn distins, care cica vine si cu dovezi cum ca nu...americanii nu-s prosti! Te rog! Pahleaaase!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Oh, well...vis-a-vis the 1st video: they expect the foreigners to know all that and MUCH more when they take the citizenship test. Mmm...and they don't even know what the Congress does!!! Booo...retards!

  4. haha, ai vazut ce fata a facut blonda aia? lol parca era la ultima intrebare spre 1 miliard de $ si era chiar cea mai grea intrebare din concurs :))))

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