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Din pacate nu am intrat in finale... nu suntem intre cei 28 de finalisti. Dar asta nu ar trebui sa ne dezamageasca. Oricum, mai multe informatii despre cele 7 minuni ale lumii gasiti aici:

Aberative Beats - Old movies, funny scripts.

Boy> You were the first girl I ever kissed.

Girl> I knew that.
Boy>Playing spin-the-bottle.

Girl> Yep.
And you stuck your tongue in my mouth.
I didn't know you were supposed
to do that. I was mortified.
Thought you were an epileptic,
so I went home and told Mama
you had a seizure in my mouth.

I was over the moon for you
back then, Birdee.
- You knew that.

- No, I didn't.
- Why didn't you say anything?
- Coward.
- Chicken, pure and simple.

Now ain't that something? from an 1998 movie rofl :)

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