Movie Mood : Avatar

darn, this movie is just amazing...

Abstract Shapes - Torino

Trist! ca nu am avut timp de autografe... (ç

Abstract Shapes - Eterno

Quando l'innovazione è assoluto, il tempo è solo un'illusione!

Tube illusion

Take a cardboard tube, such as from a kitchen paper role, and hold it close to your eye, while keeping the other eye open. Look at a bright wall. The disk-shaped area seen through the tube will appear strikingly brighter than the same surface area viewed by the other eye. The effect is reminiscent of a flashlight illuminating the area under consideration. The effect takes a few seconds to fully develop. It also works with a textured surface where it enhances not only the brightness and color, but also the detail.

Aberative Beats - Freedom


You are born with a free sample of life, you grow up eating that small piece of candy, but you are free.
Even tho you are given a chance at life, every single day someone will try to steal it, by any means possible.
After so many world wars, some say freedom prevails, some tend to believe they are free just because that's part of their contry slogan.
You are free, to starve to death, you are free to suffer because you cannot affort nor to live nor to die.

I'll be away for a while since i'm going back to Italy, maybe someone else will be posting while i'm gone :)

R.I.P. Tatiana Stepa

Nu cred ca este nevoie de mai multe cuvinte. Un moment de liniste pentru Tatiana Stepa!

Parcul Retezat

Din pacate nu am intrat in finale... nu suntem intre cei 28 de finalisti. Dar asta nu ar trebui sa ne dezamageasca. Oricum, mai multe informatii despre cele 7 minuni ale lumii gasiti aici:

Aberative Beats - Old movies, funny scripts.

Boy> You were the first girl I ever kissed.

Girl> I knew that.
Boy>Playing spin-the-bottle.

Girl> Yep.
And you stuck your tongue in my mouth.
I didn't know you were supposed
to do that. I was mortified.
Thought you were an epileptic,
so I went home and told Mama
you had a seizure in my mouth.

I was over the moon for you
back then, Birdee.
- You knew that.

- No, I didn't.
- Why didn't you say anything?
- Coward.
- Chicken, pure and simple.

Now ain't that something? from an 1998 movie rofl :)

R.I.P Michael Jackson

Another day, another star fallin from the sky, another sad day.
If that wasnt enough, not so long ago everyone was like crucifixing Michael for every piece of shet they could find, and now on every single news/media website i see all these people talking like nothing happen, funny how things turn up in a really small time frame, its very easy to envy someone just because he did so much in 50 years that others couldn't do even in their entire life.

R.I.P Michael

Aberative Beats - R.I.P Ricky

Dap! nush cata lume isi aduce aminte de Ricky, era pasarica mea scumpa si dulce, si ziceam asta mereu doar pentru simplul fapt ca era jucaria "vorbitoare" a mamei mele, defapt mama vorbea iar pasarica asculta :)) cica faceau schimb de informatii.. marog chestii mult prea abstracte, chiar si pentru mine. Stiti cum e treaba aia, cand ajung femeile la stagiul de menopauza incep s` ia pe carari necunoscute sau nebanuite pana in momentul ala :)) le vezi in alte culori si la randul lor iti transmit alte mesaje, mult mai criptate decat cele precendente, nu prea ai cum sa le intelegi nici daca vrei, nici daca incerci, nici daca te lasi batut, ele tot incearca.. in timp ce tu ti`ai dori sa poti sa porti vreo 3 perechi de casti pe urechi, sa poti sa`ti vezi in continuare de ziua ta si asa plina de peripetii, doar nu ar fi ea singura care "o da la tranta" cu viata din zori de zi pana`n amurg de pleoape sau miros de caini flamanzi ca sa zic asa, ce naiba cu totii avem chestiuta asta pe umeri care fara un dop la timp iti da migrene pe banda rulanta orisimaialescata coffeina ai consuma. Odata cu pasarica asta a venit si linistea in camera mea, sau cel putin asta cred, poate de multe ori am ignorat anumite chestii pana la un anumit punct in timp cand nu ma mai deranjau, dar acum... acum cand pasarica mea scumpa si dulce nu mai e.. acum aud doar o singura voce, defapt e bocet de femeie la menopauza, ceva mai stridenta decat ce putea duce pasarica mea "vorbitoare" inainte, dar nush cum sa`ti spun deja intr-o singura zi de cand pasarica nu mai "canta" usa de la camera mi`a fost deschisa de cel putin 200+ ori, si astea numarate zau!
Si ca sa vezi treaba nasoala, cred ca am zis de vreo 10 ori sa`i fac macar o poza, si na saraca pasarica! nici macar 1 poza n`am sa`i dau culoare in memorie, halal stapan, halal caine fara coada in satul asta fara curci, si acum mai am tupeul sa`mi plang de mila, de melodiile ce`or sa`mi vina pe ulita in gand mereu, in fiecare zi de acum simaialesincolo.
halal stapan mai esti tu Doamne.

ps; cica era baiat.. eu nu l`am cautat, de asta`l tot numesc o pasarica, marog era un papagal pe nume Ricky,
Rest in Peace my buddy, sper ca nu o sa ma cuipesti prin somn ca nu ti`am dat mancare la timp :|

Movie Mood: Transformers 2 - Revenge of the Fallen

Well i just watched Transformers 2, but the quality and the sound were not that good, i guess i'll have to wait 'till the official release. hf anyway

Words to Remember - Perfection

si totusi daca ai fi doar un glob din sumbrul pom ce te faci cand picaturile dulci de fulgi topindu se te lovesc scurt in caderea lor, ce te faci cand gustul pe care l cautai nu mai e lafel? sau ti e doar sub orice asteptare, ai sa porti apa de gura in gura lui mereu? sau ti ai dori un fel de fel de apa care sa ti poata transforma dorinta ce o porti intr un alt simplu sarpe fara solzi, chiar daca ar fi amar, mult prea amar pentru gustul tau firav si totusi mult mai bun decat ceea ce ti era si este El, oare ti ar fi deajuns ca sa l culegi gramada si sa l saruti pe fruntea lata macar o singura sau ultima data?

related: thecreatrix

Movie Mood: Dance Flick

Teh fat boy is skilled foreal, this one changed my mood for the entire day :))))

Abstract Shapes - Memoirs

Someone said that memory is the evil root of man's troubles, but in the same time we are born with a pale illusion that we can forget, yet again this fades away in time bound to remember.

Movie Mood: Mahatma Gandhi (1982)

There is no bullet to match the shield of Truth.

Movie Mood: Prison Break - Final Break

Well there is not much to say about this one, so yea if you've been watching Prison Break from the beggining then you'll have to watch this one too :)

Movie Mood: Watching Terminator Salvation

Well if you're into Terminator series much you might wanna watch this one too, imho this is another epic fail after Star Trek, even Van Damme's Cyborg was better then this one... just a bunch of SFX and that's about it.

Funny - Crazy Romanian Driver

Deci ma doare burta zau :)))))))))))))))
l am vazut de vreo 10 ori si tot e funny :))) he has skills :D


Stim ca timpul destrama tot. Obiecte, fiinte, idei, materie, energie... totul se naruie si moare. In ce bucla a timpului ma aflu? de ce in loc sa uit totul revine ca pe un fel de spirala inchisa? Este ironic sa resimt aceeasi moarte mereu si mereu. Iubirea uneori otraveste. Sau poate ca ea este otrava si timpul este antidotul? Numai ca acum si timpul si iubirea sunt pe rand otrava si antidot. Droguri pe care le acceptam cu zambetul pe buze si cu rani deschise in inima. Am inceput sa cautam atat de mult adevaruri incat nu vedem in jurul nostru decat minciuni. Adevarul insusi e o minciuna. Otrava e o minciuna. Si atunci minciuna ce este? Oricat am incerca nu putem sa definim nici timpul si nici iubirea. Si atunci ne ramane doar gustul dulce al otravii pe care o ingeram cu lingurita dint timp in timp. Oricum, chiar daca imi arati fotografii ca acele carti de joc cu doua fete identice, la finalul jocului sunt sigura ca nu voi renunta la lingurita mea de otrava... chiar si dincolo de joc, la sfarsitul timpului, otrava asta va persista. La fel si iubirea.

Music Mood - Misspelled Feelings

Am ales sa fiu mut, doar ca sa-ti iubesc amintirea, te rog sa-mi ierti soaptele, erau sacrificiul unui alt viciu, cu un simplu zambet te-am lasat sa zbori in felul tau, pentru ca te-am chinuit prea mult alergand dupa vise, normal ca meriti mult mai mult decat o cupa goala si amara de viata virtuala.

Movie Mood: Watching Star Trek

Even tho i'm not a big fan i don't have anything else to do now so i haveta watch Star Trek :))) hopefully will not be a waste of time

Funny - Facebook Manners & You

I can't say much about the subject since i have almost 4K of people on my friendlist, but yes i do have a few on my list whom did or are doing some of those things, but ya noe i can't blame anyone nor quote them ;) you know who you are and that's about it :D
this viral just made my day :))
ps; i'm so proud of you now :)))

Seven Signs of the Apocalypse

Yet another touchy & scary "what if" documentary.

Una scurta

Preluata, da tare!

  • Ce face un cal pe o pajişte cu marijuana?
  •  Paşte fericit!

Paste fericit!

E ciudat sa nu faci sarbatorile acasa. Unii dintre noi ne adaptam foarte usor situatilor in care suntem. Eu sunt genul de om care vede intotdeauna partea plina a paharului... un optimist notoriu! Desi reusesc sa inteleg si alte modalitati de a trai, alte fire care-i trag pe oameni intr-un alt joc al papusilor de lemn, totusi ajung la aceeasi concluzie mereu. Pot sa spun: "acasa" oriunde imi las ceva din mine, din sufletul meu... dar adevaratul "acasa" e unde sarbatorile gen Paste, Craciun, Sf. Maria se intampla an de an asa cum te-ai nascut cu ele. Adica au ACEL fel de a se manifesta, acel mod UNIC pentru mine si irepetabil.
ACASA inseamna Romania, inseamna Galati. Iubesc Pamantul, ma fascineaza oamenii si civilizatiile lor, dar PASTELE ESTE FERICIT DOAR ACASA!
Paste fericit tuturor!

Watching 17 Again & Crank: High Voltage

I have to say it's been a long time since i had a good laugh like tonight while i was watching 17 Again :D Don't miss it :)

Now i'm watching Crank: High Voltage :D

Have fun & Enjoy :)

Somewhere in 2009 - 18+ Only

I still don't get it... are those Humans or Animals?
beware this is a shocking video.


Words To Remember - Basic Circles

Sometimes i really wonder why people crave for so much attention like they are suffering from a personality disorder, that's like nowadays most common disease, what's more funny is that actually 90% of them calls it "socializing", when in fact it's just merely insane to attack anyone arround without being able to control that aggressive behavior for the sake of attention, first to come --first to be served, just point and shoot. They don't care if those people are purely strangers or even elderly, they just have to find something to related with in order to get to that point when everyone's attention is pointed at them and only at them the whole time, so much that they can feel it. Now if i were a doctor i would throw all these Animals in a hospital like any other psychopath for mental health whom are using the ole tools like aggressive narcissism because they are not able to process reasoning at all.
Now if you are one of those Animals i suggest you go straight to the first Park in your city and start screaming out loud, i'll promise you that someone will come as soon as possible to help you out with your mental problems, or even throw you some cois, a lucky psycho that is.

ps: copiat :)

The best house

 Casa Viitorului!  Watch out at the mother-in-law!

Wannabe Funny - Actorul Nicolae Guta

Cum sa dai asa ceva pe mainstream :)))

Funny Shlt | Costel Deko

E prea tare asta ma jur :)))

trecator fara nume

trecator un gand recent
trecator mi a ramas in gat
trecator strofa unei zile
trecator peste praf
trecator peste cuvant
trecator tip cearsaful ud
trecator respir un cui
trecator in final
trecator in datorii
trecator mai cumpar o zi
trecator liber
trecator intr-un cosciug
trecator in final
trecator ard
trecator peste cuvant
trecator peste praf
trecator mi a ramas in gat
trecator strofa unei zile
trecator liber
trecator in datorii
trecator intr-un final
trecator mai cumpar o zi
trecator ard
trecator intr-un cosciug
trecator fara nume
trecator tip cearsaful ud
trecator respir un cui
trecator in final
trecator mi a ramas in gat
trecator strofa unei zile
trecator trecator trecator
trecator peste cuvant
trecator ard
trecator peste praf
trecator intr-un final
trecator respir un cui
trecator liber
trecator mai cumpar o zi
trecator in datorii
trecator am fost odata
trecator strofa unei zile
trecator peste praf
trecator intr-un cosciug
trecator fara nume
trecator tip cearsaful ud
trecator peste cuvant
trecator in final
trecator respir un cui
trecator ard
trecator mai cumpar o zi
trecator liber
trecator intr-un cosciug
trecator mi a ramas in gat
trecator strofa unei zile
trecator fara nume

trecator peste cuvant
trecator trecator trecator
trecator in final
trecator trecator
trecator liber


daca ti ai traduce toate visele in limba materna, nu ai putea intelege cu siguranta niciodata nimic

Saint Patrick's Day

 Today is Saint Patrick's Day. Happy Birthday, Ireland!

 Wikipedia says: 

     "The day is the national holiday of Ireland. It is a bank holiday in Northern Ireland and a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland and Montserrat. In Canada, Great Britain, Australia, the United States and New Zealand, it is widely celebrated but is not an official holiday.

   It became a feast day in the Roman Catholic Church due to the influence of the Waterford-born Franciscan scholar Luke Wadding[2] in the early part of the 17th century, and is a holy day of obligation for Roman Catholics in Ireland. The feast day usually falls during Lent; if it falls on a Friday of Lent (unless it is Good Friday), the obligation to abstain from eating meat can be lifted by the local bishop. The church calendar avoids the observance of saints' feasts during certain solemnities, moving the saint's day to a time outside those periods. St. Patricks Day is very occasionally affected by this requirement. Thus when March 17 falls during Holy Week, as in 1940 when St. Patrick's Day was observed on April 3 in order to avoid it coinciding with Palm Sunday, and again in 2008, having been observed on 15 March."


dans Irlandez
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